Find candidates with right Talent Spectrum
Give it a try! show one of your resumes to our automated evaluator and see how many gems and coins the resume can earn.

Simple and transparent resume screening
Earn Gems
Every mandatory job requirement will offer a gem, if the resume mentioned it and it's supported by evidences. Evidence can be a project, a certificate, a course, or a job experience.
Gather Coins
Accumulate coins for every optional requirements. If the resume mentioned a mandatory requirement without evidences, a coin will be offered instead of a gem.
Simple to use
You have to do less, we do unbiased advance reasoning and robust checks to ensures you will not loose the correct candidate. We do not rely on back box similarity searches or keyword searches.
Evaluate Your Resume
Job Description
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Your Resume
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Accepted file types: .pdf, .doc, .docx
Max file size: 10MB